
This week marks the seventh year of the Fashion Revolution; Who Made My Clothes?
You probably have seen the hashtag #whomademyclothes which was introduced by co-founder Cary Sommers after the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, killing 1,138 factory workers. The catastrophic event sparked a movement encouraging consumers to ask for more transparency from the brands they buy.

As an independent designer, one of the perks in having a small business is the freedom to choose who will manufacture my clothing.
Similar to a customer choosing who deserves their money, We (as producers) can choose who deserves our business.
When I decided to manufacture my men’s shirts off-shore, I travelled to over 12 factories in person with a translator. It was vital for me to see who will be making the HEW product with my own eyes.

After carefully selecting my menswear factory four years ago, I am confident to this day the factory’s standard is second to none. You can read more about our code of conduct compliance agreement here.

I visit my factory in China annually. During my recent visit in March I made a video for my customers to show them who was making the product.
The HEW womenswear production (excluding shirts) is produced locally in Brunswick by a family-run factory. Our certified sustainable possum pieces are knitted locally in Richmond. Ethical Clothing Australia have certified both our Melbourne factories.

When you are getting dressed this morning, check your clothing labels to see who made your clothes. Become aware of the brands you buy and support. It is about time brands take accountability for everyone in the supply chain. When you buy a product, you deserve the right to know where your money is going and whom it is going to. Transparency is the first step to creating a Fashion industry with zero exploitation


For tips on how to make your clothes last longer check out this Post